Factors That Determine Your Safety Rating
October 6, 2023 8:00 amThis post was written by: Channing Puls
According to the FMCSA, they consider the following factors, outlined in 49 CFR 385.7, in determining a safety rating:
- Adequacy of safety management controls.
- Frequency and severity of regulatory violations. See list of critical and acute violations in Appendix B to 49 CFR 385, VIII.
- Frequency and severity of driver/vehicle regulatory violations identified during inspections of motor carrier operations in commerce and, if the motor carrier operates in the United States, of operations in Canada and Mexico.
- Number and frequency of out-of-service driver/vehicle violations of motor carrier operations in commerce and, if the motor carrier operates in the United States, of operations in Canada and Mexico.
- Increase or decrease in similar types of violations discovered during safety or compliance reviews.
- For motor carrier operations in commerce and, if the motor carrier operates in the United States, of operations in Canada and Mexico: frequency of accidents; hazardous materials incidents; accident rate per million miles; indicators of preventable accidents; and whether such accidents, hazardous materials incidents, and preventable accident indicators have increased or declined over time.
- Number and severity of violations of CMV and motor carrier safety rules, regulations, standards, and orders that are both issued by a State, Canada, or Mexico and compatible with Federal rules, regulations, standards, and orders.
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